Atma Yoga

New Atma Yoga Classes 2007

Every Wednesday and Friday

The Power Yoga classes are now running every Wednesday and Friday.

Book now for Wednesday or Friday sessions

Call 07931769494 or e-mail Kirtida for details.

Upcoming Events



Indradyumna Swami visited ISKCON Newcastle on 9th May.
Indradyumna Swami continues to share his realisations and experiences as he travels and preaches on four continents.

From the snow of frozen Siberia to the deserts of Kazakhstan, the Polish seaside to the sacred dust of India. Immerse yourself in heartfelt and blissful stories about his traveling on his website:


Kripamoya Prabhu visited ISKCON Newcastle centre on Sunday, February 12.
He gave a scholarly lecture on the pastimes of Lord Nityananda.

Kripamoya Prabhu is one of the most recognized devotees in the UK. He became a disciple of Srila Prabhupada in the early seventies, he is a great singer and kirtana leader, and travels extensively to preach Krishna consciusness.

listen to his songs...

He is currently a facilitator for the many Nama-hatta (congregational) groups in Southern England, and editor of the national congregational newsletter.

Read the national congregational newsletter...


The Reincarnation Controversy "Life Beyond Death? Well no-one has ever come back to tell us anything about it!"
How many times have we heard or used this arguement?

Ratnavali says she recalls her previous life as a man in Edinburgh and its tragic ending in a car crash on the A1 at Morpeth.
Yaduvendu dasa is convinced that his dead brother has returned as his eldest son.
Read about the transmigration of the soul-reincarnation from "LESSONS FROM LIFE".
Read more about:
  • Reincarnation Explained

  • Near Death Experience

  • Coming Back - The Science of Reincarnation

  • Forensic Evidence of Reincarnation

  • Reincarnation: Socrates to Salinger

    Acaryavana prabhu also visited the ISKCON Newcastle Centre on Sunday, February 19. He is well known for his singing of sweet devotional songs. He gave a lecture on Krishna Consciousness.


    Attend the beautiful programs in ISKCON Newcastle centre to experience the bliss of a spiritual evening.

    Sunday Programs
    Dance in ecstacy! Come and join us...

    Free sumptuous vegetarian meal is distributed on every Sunday feast program


    May 2005
    Bhakti Rasa leads assembly at Whitley Bay High School

    School group visits to ISKCON Newcastle Centre.


    June 2005
    H.G.Janananda prabhu came from Malaysia, Abhaya & bhakta Chris from London & bhaktin Menique from Australia visited us last month.


    May - June 2005
    Filming by media students from Sunderland uni

    Dan and Mark during an interview


    Atma yoga
    Yoga in Krishna Consciousness. Classes going on. Join now.